This card plants a tree!

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Types of tree provided by Tree Appeal

Tree Appeal provides saplings to locations throughout the UK, the majority of which are schools. They are paid for entirely by our sponsors - there is no cost to the recipients. We only supply native broadleaf species which are grown locally from hand-collected seed. Traditionally the tree planting season is from November to March, when the trees are dormant, but because we use cell-grown saplings we can effectively extend the season by a month or so.


What are 'cell-grown' saplings?

Cell grown plants are grown in small containers (cells) to prevent root spiralling and to promote fibrous growth of the root system, which are all key to the future survival of the plant. Seeds are sown into peat-free compost filled multi-celled trays and the grown saplings come with a plug of compost around the root ball. Although cell grown plants can be smaller than their bare root counterparts they establish much faster and will often catch up or outgrow bare root stock.

Cell grown plants also have the great advantage of being planted out when not dormant, allowing for an extended planting season. They are also really easy to plant.

What species are available?

At some times of the year, especially towards the end of the planting season, we may run short of some species but we try to make as many different types available as possible.  

We expect to have the following species available for Autumn 2024, though it may be necessary to make substitutions in some cases:
Alder, Aspen, Bird Cherry, Blackthorn, Crab Apple, Crack Willow, Dog Rose, Dogwood, Downy Birch, Elder, Field Maple, Goat Willow, Green Beech, Grey Willow, Hawthorn, Hazel, Hornbeam, Oak, Rowan, Silver Birch, Wild Cherry.

How big are the saplings?

The saplings are cell-grown whips which means they are a year old and are between 0.3m and 0.6m in height, depending on the species.

How many saplings can we have?

There is no upper limit to the number of saplings you can apply for. If you have a very large project then just tell us as much about it as you can and we will do our best to help. A typical school application will be for 150 trees but every year we fulfil several numbering in the thousands. We are of course happy to provide smaller numbers when required but please bear in mind that it costs us the same to pack and despatch 10 saplings as it does 100!


Read about how to apply for some free trees.