See what Tree Twinning can do for your business

Planting trees in the UK and Africa

Tree planting in GhanaTree Twinning - Planting trees in the UK and Africa

Tree Twinning is our initiative for extending the benefits of tree planting to developing countries. People must live - and their lives will always create an environmental impact. The challenge for us all is how to reduce that impact while helping developing countries to develop financially, raising the standards of living of their people.

For many people this means introducing things that we in the West would consider standard – clean water, sanitation, proper nutrition, health care and decent education.

Tree planting in GhanaWorking towards these aims we have a number of different projects and partners to help us achieve them.

Why should a company consider Tree Twinning?

The environment is a global issue and must be addressed globally. Developing countries have the need and desire to conserve and plant trees but lack the financial resources to do so.

Trees create vital habitat and promote biodiversity - a valued global inheritance and future asset. We all have a responsibility to be global stewards. Tree planting can be linked to many other humanitarian benefits - making a greener world and a better life for all.

Tree Twinning logoTree Twinning

Through Tree Twinning you can opt to match every tree planted in the UK with another in Africa. Your first 'twin' tree is planted in one of our UK locations for all the environmental, biodiversity and social benefits that Tree Appeal champions. Your other 'twin' is planted by our charity partner, International Tree Foundation (ITF), giving some of the poorest communities in the world the resources they need to fight poverty and become self reliant.

Tree planting in GhanaTree Twinning demonstrates your company’s commitment toward meeting the environmental and humanitarian challenges of our times – at home and abroad. Linking your brand with Tree Twinning provides unique and authentic evidence of your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility and giving you powerful stories to share with your clients and staff.

Taking a global view of our future shows that your company understands the importance of the triple bottom line: human and environmental profit, as well as financial profit.